Welcome to the Practice of
**Mindful**Meditative**Healing**Creative**Sacred**Therapeutic**Visual**Healthy**No experience necessary!
At Artworks we LOVE our art journals. We love all types of other art too, but often that other art can come from a quick idea, a thumbnail sketch, a note or idea that first sprouted in an art journal. We know that art journals can be an expressive destination, a peaceful sanctuary, a place of refuge, or a portal of discovery, celebration, achievement, and education.
Here's a variety of art journaling techniques that we like.
Blackout Poetry
A great #journalcare prompt is BLACKOUT POETRY! This is where you take existing text and by covering up the text you don’t want, you can create your own narrative. You can also cut words and rearrange them. Find a page in a newspaper or book that is ready to be trashed. Circle random words to create a brand new sentence that reflects how you feel today! Then use a black marker to cover over all the other words on the page so that your new poetic creation is spotlighted, or illustrate the sentence you created! Examples and a FUN digital blackout poetry maker here: https://www.artbrit.com/black-out-poetry.html .
Journal Fodder Junkies
The Art of Self Care-11 Ways to Recharge your Creativity